My Airedales |
The first litter of puppies
(3 males, 2 bitches) of my kennel was born in 1985. The mother "Ina von
Bajazzo" (Pedigree,
HDF) were
a faithful companion for me for 14 years. She
was also the mother of the second litter of puppies which was
born in 1988 (4.1). With Ina I
took the following examinations: SchH
I-III, FH I-III, PSH I. In 1993 "Nane vom Erfurther Hof" (Pedigree, HDF A1) moved in with us and Ina had a terrific game comrade. Our Nane was my 1st bitch I exhibited this one repeatedly (for 7 xV1, for 2 xV2 in the Working-class at inland and foreign countries). With her I took the following examinations: BH, AD, FH I, SchH I-II, IPO I-III. Nane was the mother of our third litter of puppies (3.4) in April 1996. From this litter of puppies
we kept our Cora (Poldi's Cora, Pedigree,
HDF A2). She has the following examinations: BH,
SchH I u. IPO I . This bitch obtained 36
xV1 at inland and foreign countries on exhibitions. She
gained the following titles: Internationaler Champion,
German Champion VDH + KfT, Czech Champion and Champion Poland.
She became "best bitch" repeatedly, gained 2
xCACIB, 14 xCAC as well as 10 xRes.CAC. From the fourth litter of puppies "Dolly" (Poldi's Dolly, HDF A2) stayed with us and a lot of joy made us till now. She took the following examinations: BH, SchH I, IPO I. With her we gained 30 xV1 at inland and foreign countries in which 3 xBOB, 17 xCAC, 4 x Res.CAC and 8 x became "best bitch" her. She got the following titles awarded for this: German Champion VDH + KfT, as well as Champion Poland. Dolly got her 1st litter of puppies (E-Wurf) at the beginning of June 2000 and middle of February 2003 her 2nd litter of puppies (G-Wurf). 2001 have your daughter "Elsa" (Poldi's Elsa , Pedigree , HDF A1 , ZZP) started with her exhibition career successfully. Elsa gained 40 xV1 became till now KfT-Juniorchampion, KfT-Exhibition-Champion and German Champion VDH, Champion Poland, Czech Champion, as well as Slovak Beauty-Champion and Slovak Club-Champion. On exhibitions at inland and foreign countries she gained 1 x JBOB, 5 x JCAC, 2 x BOB, 3 x CACIB, 2 x Res.CACIB, 29 x CAC, as well as 8 x Res.CAC, became 18 x "best bitch" and Club-Winner Slovakia 2003. We make progress with the education on the dog place, Elsa is very cleverly but unfortunately also very obstinate. From our 6th litter of puppies (father: Marty Terno; mother: Poldi's Cora ) the smallest bitch stayed with us. Our "Franzi" (Poldi's Franzi , Pedigree, HDF A1 , ZZP) has himself "developed very much", though. She made use of the consideration of the adult bitches in the true sense of the word up to the "pain barrier". On exhibitions at inland and foreign countries she gained 105xV1, 6xJCAC, 6xRes.JCAC, 2xJBOB, 10xCACIB, 11x Res. CACIB, 69xCAC, 14xRes.CAC, 4xBOB till now and became 20 x "the best bitch". In addition, Franzi gained the 2nd place at the world dog exhibition in the youth class of the bitches in Dortmund 2003 (Vice-World-Junior-Winner) and became Junior-Champion Poland und Champion Poland, German Champion VDH, KfT-Exhibition-Champion, Slovak Beauty-Champion, Slovak Club-Champion, as well as Slovak Grand-Champion, Czech Champion, Austrian Champion and Hungarian champion, Slovenian champion as well as International champion besides became she Club-Winner Slovakia 2004 and Austrian Double Champ 2005. Franzi's education on the dog place has finally shown successes now, too. We have passed the examination (BH) and the IPO I. On Franzis first litter of puppies (H-litter of puppies) extended Hanna (Poldi's Hanna, pedigree, HDF A2, PRA free, ZZP) our hordes. She surpasses Mom Franzi in liveliness and curiosity by far. Hanna gets on her nerves too much, our Elsa always must serve as a playfellow since you make Mom and horde boss Franzi rather considerably when. Unfortunately, Elsa puts up, so with the "stupid sheep" but also everything of her for it sometimes one must take her correctly into protection. In her still young exhibition career Hanna has already achieved excellent successes. At home and abroad she gained 74 x V1, 14 x JCAC, 3 x ResJCAC, 1 x JVDH, 6 x JBOB, 9 x CACIB, 9 x Res.CACIB, 42 x CAC, 20 x Res.CAC, 9 x BOB, 24 x best bitch, 1 x "Bester Hochläufer", 1 x 2nd Place BIS. Hanna became youth champion in Slovakia in Czechia in Austria and Slovenia and club youth winner Slovakia in the meantime. In addition Germans champion VDH, KfT exhibition champion, Czech champion, champion Slovakia, club champion Slovakia, champion Austria, Slovenian champion and club winner 2008 in Slovakia and in Austria as well as Austrian double champ.
Copyright by HJM |